John Cantlie, a key witness in the collapsed trial over jihadi-linked NHS doctor Shajul Islam, has appeared in an ISIS propaganda video, apparently showing him willingly discussing the faults of the West.

A new video released by ISIS this afternoon shows Cantile, who was originally kidnapped in 2012, only be recused by Free Syrian Army fighters, admitted to being a prisoner at the hands of ISIS, though seemingly willingly spouted ISIS propaganda to camera whilst wearing a Guantanamo Bay style orange jump suit.

In the high quality, multi-camera video, Cantile, who has been missing again for some years, claims that he will be illustrating for Western viewers why it is exactly that Western governments should refrain from attacking the Islamic State.

The former Sun, Sunday Telegraph and Sunday Times photojournalist says: “I know what you’re thinking… he’s got a gun at his head and he’s being forced to do this… that I cannot deny, but since I’ve been abandoned by my government… I have nothing to lose”.

“Maybe I will live and maybe I will die, but I want to… convey some facts that you can verify… that might help in preserving lives.

“Over the next few programmes I am going to show you the truth as the Western media tries to drag the public back to the abyss of another war with the Islamic State”.

Cantlie goes on: 

“I’m going to show you the truth behind the systems and motivation of the Islamic State, and how the Western media, the very organisation I used to work for, can twist and manipulate that truth to the public back home. There are two sides to every story – think you’re getting the whole picture?”

Cantlie goes on to criticise the British and American government approach in refusing to negotiate with the Islamic State terrorists. He said European citizens were released while UK and US citizens were left behind.

“Join me for the next few programmes and I think you might be surprised by what you learn”. 

The video represents a new propaganda initiative by ISIS, cut from the same cloth as the anti-Western reporting of Russia Today and Al Jazeera. The Western obsession with ISIS, some say, is lending to this, and may even serve as a radicalisation tool on their behalf.

Ghaffar Hussain, director of the counter-extremism think-tank the Quilliam Foundation told Breitbart London: “The problem we have in the West is that we are so keen to absord everything ISIS do, that we are giving them the initiative”.