James had a nasty case of The Man Flu. But because he’s a man (and a journalist) he endured. This week Toby Young joins Radio Free Delingpole to explore the report on CIA torture and interrogation techniques, and Toby reminds us that that it’s liberal simpletons who oppose enhanced interrogation techniques.

When Obama said “torture” played no part in tracking down Bin Laden, he left open the possibility that “enhanced interrogation” did, assuming he accepts the distinction. And McCain, who has been a prominent opponent of torture ever since he was a POW in Vietnam, is careful to add the words “in US custody,” glossing over the fact that one of the detainees who named the courier – Mohamedou Ould Slahi – was held first by the authorities in Jordan before being handed over to the Americans and imprisoned at Guantánamo.

Toby and James also discuss Third Wave Feminism and the Rolling Stone/UVA rape scandal, as well as Fox Hunting, and a bunch of movies you should and should not see.

But most important: Will you still need him? Will you still feed him? When Radio Free Delingpole turns 64?

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