Scientists and journalists who mislead the public about ‘global warming’ should be banned from television.

So says the producer of a highly tendentious and misleading new eco-propaganda movie about global warming, apparently blissfully unaware of the irony of his position.

Robert Kenner is the producer of Merchants of Doubt, a documentary which seeks to claim that climate scepticism is nothing but a fossil-fuel-funded conspiracy co-ordinated by the same kind of cackling evil-doers who tried to persuade you that smoking doesn’t cause cancer.

Like the Obama administration, the movie takes for granted the notion that catastrophic man-made climate change is real, that all the scientists promoting the theory are reliable, honest and principled, and that the only possible reason anyone might have for claiming otherwise is that they are “merchants of doubt” – ie corrupt disinformers who deliberately and cynically seek to hide the truth about global warming from the public because they have been paid to do so by sinister corporate interests.

Now Kenner has written a public letter to one of his fellow celebrity alarmists, scientist-turned-filmmaker Randy Olson, to help promote his crappy film raise awareness in the media of the very serious issue of Big Oil funded denialism.

The letter says:

Dear Randy,

People who mislead the public on climate change should not be on TV. Period.

That’s one big reason why I produced Merchants of Doubt, a film that lays bare the greedy, shameful world of climate denial and the journalists who broadcast it. That’s also why, right now, we’re launching a people-powered national campaign that could keep climate deniers out of the news for good.

Merchants of Doubt premieres in U.S. theaters today, and it will invite thousands of energized viewers to sign this petition and join our campaign. Let’s lead the charge!

Join me to tell TV network and cable news directors: Stop booking “merchants of doubt” on your programs immediately.

In 2013, one-third of the climate coverage on CNN and over a half of the climate coverage on Fox News was misleading. In 2014, every Sunday show except CBS’ Face the Nation hosted a climate denier. It’s true: our mainstream news networks book fake experts —  often paid by the fossil fuel industry — and those “experts” use the opportunity to confuse the public understanding on climate.

Forecast the Facts has successfully held the media accountable before. One year ago, over 100,000 of us pushed The Washington Post to improve its climate reporting, and we won. Now we can do it again with our TV news.

Merchants of Doubt gives this community a special chance to make our issue — climate denial — the national issue it should be. Let’s make it count.

Add your name today: Join the campaign to end climate denial in the media.


Robert Kenner

Among the Evil Climate Change Deniers (TM) featured prominently in Kenner’s scare movie is Marc Morano of Climate Depot whose performance – reading between the lines of some of the reviews so far – would appear to be about the only thing that makes this earnest agitprop worth watching.

Morano – a regular on TV debates with climate alarmists – is presumably one of those deniers Kenner is keen to ban from television.

Unfortunately when I rang Morano yesterday for a comment on this, his third underbutler informed me that Mr Morano was unavailable because he was hosting a party for senior oil industry figures on his 600 foot yacht Drowning Polar Bear III.