With the general election officially starting on Monday Labour frontbencher, Douglas Alexander, has told the BBC’s Andrew Marr Show his party would not specify which taxes they would raise if they win power.

When he was asked whether Labour would announce planned tax rises before the public go to the polls he said the party had “set out our agenda and that’s the program on which we will fight the election”.

He made the comment despite Labour conceding that taxes will have to rise but without listing which ones. Tory MP, Matt Hancock said: “Labour have committed to £30 billion of deficit reduction, but are now in the ridiculous position of trying to rule out both spending cuts and tax rises.

“Their sums just don’t add up – their economic policy is in total chaos. It’s not credible – and they now need to come clean about which taxes they are going to raise on hardworking taxpayers.

“Their plans are in such chaos that anything is on the table if Ed Miliband gets into Downing Street. The last Labour government clobbered ordinary families with higher taxes last time and it’s clear Ed Miliband has learned nothing from their past mistakes – a vote for Labour is a vote for higher taxes.”

So far the general election has proved impossible to call because Labour and the Conservatives are neck-and-neck. Both have around 32 percent of the vote which is far short of what they need to win outright.