An edgy New York designer has created a truly revolutionary work. Allow me to introduce, the “pussy pouch,” designed to save women from “manspreading” – which is one the greatest threats to gender relations of the 21st century, according “fourth wave” feminists.

The bags (which retail for between $160.00 and $895.00) have been lapped up by the world’s feminist elite, with Beyoncé and members of Russian feminist protest band, Pussy Riot, posing on Instagram with the accessory.

@beyonce with her #PussyPouch

A photo posted by DAMNsel PussyPouch (@hellodamnsel) on Jun 3, 2014 at 4:44pm PDT

Rachel Feinberg, the designer, explains on her website how the moment of genius came to her one Monday morning as she made her commuted on the New York City Metro:

“Weighed down by three bags and a winter coat, she quickly locates an empty seat, beelines to it and sits down with a sigh of relief. Without much thought, she crosses her legs, places her purse on her lap and takes out a book she was reading – Politics of Reality: Oppression by Marilyn Frye. Frye writes:

““Consider, by comparison, the discipline of women’s cramped physical postures and attenuated stride.”

“Rachel looked up from her book to survey the commuters around her – each women, herself included, sat with her purse on her lap with legs either crossed or tightly closed, while the majority of men sat with relaxed limbs extended in all directions.

“Unwinding her legs and moving her purse to the vacant seat next to her, Rachel consciously transformed herself from a self-policing inmate of Foucault’s Panopticon [one of the left-wing postmodernist’s theories] to a fashion designer intrigued by the spatial consciousness and tendencies of the subway’s occupants: the majority of females sit with their bags on their lap, while the majority of males allow their belongings to occupy the space next to them. ‘Why?’ She asked.”

“And with that question in mind, the Pussy Pouch was born.”

Inspiring stuff.

If you’re wondering, though, Manspreading is the deplorable act of men sitting comfortably on public transport, whereby they position their legs in such a way as to not restrict blood passing to their nether region, which feminists insist is “an expression of patriarchal authority.”

The “manspreading” campaign gained significant traction and celebrity backing at the beginning of this year. At first, many considered it a joke, but it escalated to a point where it was made an “offence” on the NYC subway, with a $50 fine attacked.

And then, at the beginning of June, reports emerged that two men had actually been arrested and charge for “manspreading.” Breitbart London’s Milo Yiannopoulos takes a slightly different view:

“The manspreading complaint is couched as a response to “rudeness” by men, but it is no such thing: it is pathetic feminist pipsqueakery, the last dying gasp of a movement with nothing to win and nothing to say, determined to abuse and antagonise the male sex at all costs and for whatever perceived or outright imaginary infraction it can conjure from the vicissitudes of everyday life. It is offensively trivial, and those associated with it ought to be ashamed,” he wrote earlier this year.

Hello damnsels! #pussyriot Nadezhda Tolokonnikova and Maria Alyokhina repping #pussypouch #artfrieze

A photo posted by DAMNsel PussyPouch (@hellodamnsel) on May 9, 2014 at 2:50pm PDT