Russia’s security service, the Federal’naya Sluzhba Bezopasnosti (FSB) has dismissed a 2006 interview by British Prime Minister David Cameron, in which he told the BBC that he was targeted by Soviet agents wanting him to spy for Russia. 

Then MP, now Prime Minister, David Cameron said in a Desert Island Discs interview: “I travelled on the Trans-Siberian railway… and then met a great friend in Moscow. We went down to the Black Sea and were on the beach in Yalta.

“These two Russians who spoke perfect English sort of turned up on the beach, which was mainly reserved for foreign tourists, and took us out to dinner, and interrogated us in a very friendly way about life in England and politics.”

He took it as a recruitment effort, stating he was “obviously very careful and guarded in what [he] said”. Mr Cameron added: “…later on when I got to university my politics tutor said that was a definite attempt at recruitment.”

But the FSB, the successor to the Soviet-era KGB, has dismissed his claim, and said they hold no file on a young David Cameron, reports the Mail.

A source close to Russian intelligence, Gennady Sokolov, told Komsomolskaya Pravda of his assurances by the FSB on the matter.

“If the KGB had a task to work with a 19-year-old unknown young man Cameron, there would have remained certain paperwork on this matter.

“We have cautiously asked well-informed people if there is a file on Cameron in KGB archives. We got a definite reply that there is no such file in the archives, and there was no such file earlier. The KGB was not working on Cameron.”

“The pair planned to buy some foreign stuff like jeans to resell them later and, after all, to make friends with two nice looking British guys – there was also a gay motive”.

Mr Cameron attended Oxford University, and although Russian security services did indeed target Oxford and Cambridge after the Second World War and throughout the Cold War, it is unlikely that such recruitment would have taken place in Moscow, where Mr Cameron spent some of his gap year.

Some, however, may believe that David Cameron’s actions in government have benefitted the Russians anyway. Cutting UK defence spending, undermining the institution of marriage, and increasing Britain’s debt are all things that the Soviet Union wanted Britain to undergo at the time.