Gay BBC presenter Evan Davis shocked Newsnight audiences last night as he described social media dating app Tinder as a platform that allows straight people to “behave like gay men”, going on to state that the app is an “easy hook up service”.

Davis’s comments drew the ire of gay Twitter users who said, “I hate to be THAT guy, but you do a segment about Tinder, and you choose THIS as the intro. What the HELL”?

The presenter’s politically incorrect comments tally up with some of his family’s other dark humour about his homosexuality. When he came out, his older brother apparently replied, “Thank God you’re not black!”

Davis is also on the record as claiming that gay people are more likely to engage in drug taking. He told Attitude magazine: “The gay community has less discipline because it doesn’t have kids to go home to, and slightly more disposable income, and then add to that that when these things catch on they tend to have a momentum.”