Labour Member of Parliament John Mann has told Germany’s Weltspiegel television channel that he sees people walking around the British Parliament who “should be in prison”, in an interview about the ongoing Westminster paedophile scandal. 

The six minute news item was broadcast earlier this week, and shed further light on the level of corruption and cover ups in Westminster following decades of alleged child abuse by leading politicians and political figures.

It could become the largest political and moral scandal in British history,” the piece begins, in German.

Breitbart London has translated the clip, below, for English speaking audiences.

“Scotland Yard investigates at least one paedophile ring, which allegedly has been acting for decades, even around Westminster. Incredible accusations have been made: organised child molestation by celebrities and politicians in high positions, which have been covered by the police. Incredible crimes, for decades, since the 60s.”

Currently there is an investigation against 1400 people, even a former prime minister. And there are daily new revelations, because the victims had remained silent due to fear and embarrassment.”

The interview uses testimony from child sex abuse survivor Esther Baker, who waived her anonymity earlier this year. She said: 

“It was rapes. It was switching, Whatever they wanted. There can be certain sounds and certain voices. That makes me feel like I’m a child again and I’m back there.”

The narrator sets the scene: “Esther was six, she recalls. And then all the time again, regularly, from several men. One is claimed to have been a politician from her neighbourhood in Birmingham. On some occasions he wanted her to play the piano and fondled her, apparently condoned by her father and covered up by the police.”

I suppose there were a few times I tried to run away and I was brought back by a member of the police,” Ms. Baker recalled.

The clip features an interview with Mark Watts of Exaro News, which focuses almost exclusively on the scandal.  

“There is a possibility that Esther Baker was taken to this place too, not far from the British parliament, the block of flats at “Dolphin Square”. Lots of MPs have their London residence there. Proper abuse orgies are alleged to have taken place here and at other places during the 1980s. Two hundred children have disappeared during that time. Some are alleged to have been killed in sex games,” he claimed.

“Investigation circumvented. Documents disappear. Witnesses are muted, for years. Bit by bit the crimes of the Westminster paedophile ring come to light. The dirty game of abuse of power between politics, secret agents and police. The MP John Mann has known the rumours for a long time,” the interviewer introduces the Labour MP.

Mann told Weltspiegel, “One could feel it. People were threatened. We have informed police about a murder that happened in direct connection to it. There was a second murder four years later, directly related, We had physical evidence, video evidence, This was a big thing, this was heavy organised crime.

“I see people walking over there, in Parliament, that should be in prison. And there are people out there who know that. And victims. And parents who don’t know why their child killed themselves or disappeared.”

The piece concludes: “Together with aid organisations he commemorates the victims of abuse, straight across from Parliament.  A warning to those in there. But most politicians who have been publicly brought in connection with abuse are long dead. They can’t be prosecuted any more. Or they are old and demented, like Lord Janner. Since the 80s he has been accused of having molested several boys. Only since Friday has he been answerable to court. An independent commission has been set up by the government too. It is to investigate the accumulating allegations.”

WATCH (in German)