News on manspreading from Reuters:

Aug 27 (Reuters) – Feeling hangry? Can’t find a seat on the subway because of manspreading? Annoyed by people butt-dialing you?

All three slang words officially joined on Thursday in a quarterly update of popular phrases that also included Grexit (a potential Greek exit from the Eurozone) and brainfart (a momentary mental lapse).

Manspreading was coined to describe men who take up extra room on public transport by sitting with their legs wide apart. Last year, New York City transport authorities launched a poster campaign on the subway in a bid to discourage it.

Hangry is defined as a bad mood brought on by hunger, while butt-dialing is the popular term for inadvertently calling someone on a cell phone placed in a rear pocket.

Read the rest of the article about manspreading and other new words here.