If you want to bankrupt the Green Party, then start telling lies about the migrant crisis (like they do?) because they’ve pledged to donate €5 for every time they hear people saying something they don’t like, or that doesn’t fit their agenda, about migrants.

Presumably, the waves of mainly male, economic migrants from the Middle East and North Africa are really concerned about polar bears or something. So the Green Party of Austria (I know, sorry if I got your hopes up) are going to donate for every time someone tells an “untruth” about the migrants.

The stunt, announced last week, comes at the same time the right-wing, anti mass-migration Freedom Party, surges in local elections. Seems like maybe the public are not as stupid as the Greens would hope. This is why they got some boxes, wrote “help for refugees” on them, and started popping money inside them arbitrarily during a special session of the Austrian Parliament, according to the Huffington Post.  

They claimed the box was full after 20 minutes of a speech by the Freedom Party’s leader. I’m really surprised. I mean what if they HADN’T filled their own boxes, that they claimed were full, themselves, during the stunt that they had come up with? Well yes, Greens are pretty stupid. But not that stupid apparently. They managed to put money in a box. Not that anyone has corroborated that the money actually went to any reasonable charity helping people who need it or anything.

And when do you think the last time they put money in a box for homeless Austrian servicemen was? Or the poor, indigenous Austrians? Well? You’re right. It was NEVER.

Still, it can’t have meant much to the Austrian people. Reuters reports:

Austria’s far-right Freedom Party (FPO) doubled its votes to finish a strong second in a state election on Sunday, dealing a blow to the two main centrist parties which were left nursing heavy losses.

The conservative Austrian People’s Party (OVP) came in first at 36.4 percent of the vote, despite losing about 10 percentage points compared to the last election in 2009, and was followed by the FPO at 30.4 percent, according to the final results.

The Social Democrats (SPO) lost around six percentage points to finish third at 18.4 percent.

The Greens, if you were wondering, got 10.3 per cent of the vote… a gain of just 1.1 per cent. The Freedom Party got 30.4 per cent of the vote, an increase of 15.1 per cent of the vote.