‘We Must not Stop There’ Abortion Methods Should become Part of ‘Training for Doctors’ – Minister
Germany’s family minister has now suggested that “methods of abortion” should become part of a doctor’s medical training.

Germany’s family minister has now suggested that “methods of abortion” should become part of a doctor’s medical training.
Berliners should purchase $20 monthly “solidarity levy” tickets, regardless of whether they ever use such services, the deputy mayor said.
Ukraine’s leading English-language state media outlet has traduced Germany’s political class, including Angela Merkel and the sitting Chancellor and President, as bearing “collective responsibility” for having “effectively encouraged” Russian aggression.
BERLIN (AP) – Germany’s Green party has come under fire on social media for tweeting a photograph of its election candidates cropped in such a way as to remove all the men.
Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s climate change spokeswoman and former press secretary has caused her boss some embarrassment by suggesting people “join the Green Party”.
BERLIN (AP) – Germany’s environmentalist Greens party wants to boost rail travel at the expense of domestic flights to help the country achieve its goal of sharply reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The Greens’ candidate for chancellorship in this year’s national
Australia’s ‘climate’ fires are fast becoming the biggest fake news scare story of 2020. All the world’s stupidest, most annoying, hand-wringing, virtue-signalling leftists, luvvies, eco-loons, shyster politicians, second-rate activist scientists and other bottom feeders are jumping on the bandwagon.
It’s Brexit party all the way for me. I could never trust a Conservative leader who gets his climate facts from a 16-year-old autistic kid who in turn got her climate facts from Ice Age II.
Loony Greens, led by their only MP Caroline Lucas, are campaigning to impose a meat tax on the UK. Because climate change — or some such nonsense.
Swedish Green Party politicians in Eslöv have issued an apology after the local council group suggested forcing out Swedes critical of multiculturalism from the area, saying the proposals were just satire.
Contents: Angela Merkel scores weak win in German national elections; Rise of far-right AfD party in Germany raises international alarm bells
Donald Trump really is going to make America great again. It wasn’t just a campaign slogan: Trump is for real—and one of the great pleasures in the coming years is going to be the joy of watching all those pundits who think he’s going to be a disaster being proved wrong again and again.
UKIP has teamed up with the Liberal Democrats, Greens, the SNP, and Plaid Cymru to renew demands for a fairer electoral system that allocates representation in Parliament proportional to the number of votes won.
Germany’s Green party has called for police to hire more migrants as part of a package they hope would combat the terror threat and rising crime rate in the country.
Europe’s suicidal green energy policies are killing at least 4o,000 people a year. That’s just the number estimated to have died in the winter of 2014 because they were unable to afford fuel bills driven artificially high by renewable energy tariffs.
If you want to bankrupt the Green Party, then start telling lies about the migrant crisis (like they do?) because they’ve pledged to donate €5 for every time they hear people saying something they don’t like, or that doesn’t fit
If you don’t believe in climate change you’re as bad as Hitler. There. I’ve just precised a long article which appeared in the New York Times over the weekend with the title The Next Genocide. Rather worryingly it was the
Texas Governor Greg Abbott has signed into law House Bill 40, which restricts cities and towns from imposing local ordinances that regulate oil and gas drilling, or attempt to ban fracking operations. The new law became effective immediately on Monday, May 18.
Joel Kotkin, the noted liberal critic of California’s far-left government, says that Gov. Jerry Brown is leading California to ruin–and that the state’s business leaders share the blame by failing to speak out. In a new essay at the Daily Beast that summarizes much of his recent criticism, Kotkin says that while Brown’s father Pat brought the state progress and prosperity as governor (1959-1967), Jerry Brown “has waged a kind of Oedipal struggle against his father’s legacy.”