UKIP leader Nigel Farage will be speaking live from Gateshead today, continuing on his “Say No to EU tour”. You can watch the livestream below from around 7pm:

UKIP leader Nigel Farage continues his “Say No To EU” tour, today appearing in Gateshead on the same day the pro-EU, “Britain Stronger in Europe” (BSE) campaign launches.

Mr Farage today commented: “The Remain campaign is a tired and lacklustre repetition of out of date arguments and statistics that strain credulity. Most preposterous of all is Lord Rose’s claim that what he is doing is patriotic; surrendering control of running your own country to overseas bureaucrats can never be the patriotic thing to do. If Lord Rose wants the star spangled banner as his flag he’s welcome to it. I prefer the Union Jack.”

Mr Farage will be speaking live from around 7:25pm, according to UKIP organisers.

The livestream is managed by UKIP and the EFDD group, and therefore Breitbart London is not responsible for the quality or consistency of the stream.