A regional congress of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) in Germany has seen Angela Merkel criticised by her own party regarding her open border response to the migrant crisis.

Adding to her increasing woes, last night the regional congress of the CDU held in the East German town of Schkeuditz descended into recriminations with Angela Merkel criticised by her own party for the “national disaster” that her open door migration policy has become.

Speaking at the ‘CDU-Zukunftskonferenz‘ (CDU Future Conference), Mrs Merkel said that in principle every human being is entitled to the right to asylum and protection against civil war and persecution. However, some of the 1,000 party officials and elected representatives present to discuss recent policy commissions on sustainability, digitisation, globalisation and its impact on party, family and society, disagreed with their party leader.

One of the delegates told Mrs Merkel that her oft-repeated message to Germany regarding the influx of migrants, “Wir schaffen es!” (“We can do it!”), is no longer being heard by much of the country.

Another delegate held a banner (pictured above) which in translation read “Stop The Refugee Chaos! Protect German Culture + Values. Dethrone Merkel!”

Referencing the German constitution, Mrs Merkel denied that cultural change is on the cards: “Our country has constants. And these constants will not change. We have the Basic Law. And in this Basic Law, there are fundamental rights.”

Despite criticism Mrs Merkel looks likely to press on with her migrant policy when a new raft of laws is voted on by the German parliament this evening, following her return from a summit in Brussels.

The new laws will denote the west Balkan countries of Albania, Kosovo and Montenegro as “safe countries”, restricting the ability of people from that area to claim asylum in Germany, reports The Local.

In addition there will be a move to more non-cash benefits for asylum seekers and a reduction in benefits for those whose applications fail. In addition, asylum seekers with a strong case will be given integration courses before their applications are approved.

Wide parliamentary support for the bill is expected tonight, with final ratification in the German Upper House tomorrow.

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