British Prime Minister David Cameron has been heckled during a pro-European Union (EU) speech this morning. Mr. Cameron was setting out his vision for remaining in the EU ahead of the publication of his list of “demands” to Brussels. 

But his speech to the heavily pro-EU Confederation of British Industry (CBI) lobby group was interrupted by protesters chanting “CBI, Voice of Brussels!”

The video (above) shows Mr. Cameron becoming quickly agitated, and demanding: “We’re gonna have a debate in a minute if you wait a second you can ask me a question rather than interrupting what’s a very good conference.

“Come on… come on guys if you sit down now you can ask me a question rather than, er, making fools of yourselves by just, erm, standing up and protesting.”

He then joked, “Even I can remember that script without any notes.”



The ‘Students For Britain’ group has admitted that Matthew Elliott’s ‘Vote Leave’ campaign set up a fake company for them so they could gain entry to the CBI conference today.