After a torrent of complaints from female patrons about sexual harassment by migrants, nightclubs in at least three Danish cities are looking for new ways to keep their patrons happy and safe.

In Sonderberg, one nightclub has come up with a controversial solution to keep migrant sex attacks to a minimum, reports The Local. They have created a new rule for those seeking to enter the premises. Only people who can prove a working ability to speak either Danish, German or English will be allowed to enter.

According to the owner of an unnamed nightclub in Sonderberg the general attitudes of the city at night have changed dramatically over the last year and a half, after a local army barracks was made into a centre for refugees housing 700.

Nightclub owner Rafi Ibrahim, himself a migrant from Syria who has lived in the Danish town of Haderslev for years, described the migrants as not knowing the “rules” when it came to Danish nightlife. Ibrahim went even further saying, “when they see a girl, they go crazy, trying to grope her or grab her clothes.” He also stated that the Syrian migrants were mostly single men which Breitbart has been reporting since the start of the crisis.

The Den Flyvende Hollaender (Flying Dutchman) club also in Haderslev is one of the three clubs implementing the new language rules. Glenn Hollender justified the rule when he told TV Syd, “it is clear that if we ask male visitors to leave a girl alone, they must understand what we mean. There were simply too many instances when they ignored our requests to leave the female guests alone.”

The rules cut close to being considered discriminatory which is not legal in Denmark but Torben Hoffmann Rosenstock, managing director of industry group Danmarks Restauranter og Cafeer gave a statement to Denmark’s TV2 saying the threats and unwanted sexual behaviour from migrants, “presents some security-related challenges if you cannot enter a dialogue.”

Denmark has often gone counter to the general attitudes of western EU states during the migrant crisis. The Danish government went even as far to take out adverts in foreign newspapers telling migrants to “stay at home.” The government in Denmark has also proposed a law that would see refugees give up any valuables worth more than USD$1,500 to both deter migrants and to pay towards the migrants who chose to settle in the country.

The continued rash of molestations, sexual assaults and rapes since the beginning of the migrant crisis has confirmed the warnings given by the so-called V4 group of countries who have warned about the inevitable clash of cultures between the Middle East and western Europe and of the “huge security threats,” the unprecedented mass migration entails.