Channel 4 has hit out at Conservative Party election expenses yet again, this time shining a light on the most hotly contested seat at the last British General Election: South Thanet.

This is the seat Nigel Farage, the leader of the UK Independence Party, ran for. And the Conservative Party threw the kitchen sink at the seat, sending busloads of activists, cabinet ministers, the Mayor of London, and even staff from Tory Central Office and the Prime Minister’s office.

But Channel 4 is now alleging that the party spent thousands of pounds on hotels, some that were used as “campaign headquarters” for the Conservative Party, which they did not disclose on election spending.

While party officials stayed at the Royal Harbour Hotel, and the Premier Inn in Margate – their stays have apparently not been disclosed to the Electoral Commission.

But the law in this area is unclear – with the Electoral Commission only having the power to penalise over procedural matters. The police are responsible for the enforcement of the Representation of People Act, and as Channel 4 made clear last night, it will take people making complaints to the police in South Thanet to take the matter forward.

UKIP’s leader, Mr. Farage, told Breitbart London last night that he would not personally be pursuing the matter, though noted that he would be surprised if ordinary members of the public did not make complaints to the police.

Mr. Farage reiterated this on Channel 4 News last night, when he said: “I’ve got a referendum to fight. I don’t look backwards in life, I look forwards”.

You can watch the Channel 4 report above.