Farmers For Action held a large march in London yesterday calling for better conditions for farmers in Britain.

Breitbart London asked the chairman of Farmers For Action, David Handley, a dairy farmer from Monmouthshire in South Wales. what his members’ opinion was on the upcoming European Union membership referendum.

He said: “It’s split right down the middle, fifty per cent out, fifty per cent undecided. Nobody for in.”

This contradicts the widespread belief that farmers are all so reliant on European subsidies that they will automatically vote to remain in the politico-economic bloc.

Farmers For Action was set up in 2000 by a group of farmers that had become disillusioned with the way in which professional farming organisations represented their industry.

The disconnect between the London mindset and that of the farmers was most keenly noticed when a member of the Metropolitan Police tried to prevent some sheep and cows that had come to join the march from leaving their trailer.

“You can’t let the wildlife out,” he said, leading to much derision of lack of understanding of the difference between wildlife and livestock… and several jokes about pigs.


(C) Rachel Megawhat for Breitbart London