Rachel Megawhat

Articles by Rachel Megawhat

PICS: Gordon Brown And Suzanne Evans Address Fabians Conference

Former Prime Minister Gordon Brown told the left wing Fabian Society that Britain would “send the wrong message” if it left the European Union (EU). A Brexit vote would suggest Britain cannot cooperate with its nearest neighbours, he said, adding

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PICTURES: Farmers For Action Marchers Reveal Pro-Brexit Sentiment

Farmers For Action held a large march in London yesterday calling for better conditions for farmers in Britain. Breitbart London asked the chairman of Farmers For Action, David Handley, a dairy farmer from Monmouthshire in South Wales. what his members’ opinion

Farmers for Action

Guy Fawkes – A Night To Remember Britain’s Cultural History

Guy Fawkes Night has become a strange thing in Britain. What was once an important part of our collective cultural heritage – remembering the overthrow of the Gunpowder Plot where plotters attempted to murder the King and Parliament at a time

Guy Fawkes