All hail Clint Eastwood for saying the unsayable: that Generation Snowflake are a bunch of politically correct pussies; that Donald Trump is preferable to Hillary.

Now rack your brains and try to think of anyone of Clint’s celebrity eminence who’d admit to such views on the record. Charlton Heston, possibly, except he’s no longer with us. Michael Caine is the only living movie star I can think of – but he’s English so his views on the US presidential election wouldn’t carry quite so much weight.

How depressing is it that the entire universe of celebrity is so politically one-sided?

None more depressing, I’d say. If you believe, as Andrew Breitbart did, that “politics is downstream from culture” then it clearly matters very much what our movie and TV stars, pop idols, comics and so on think.

Why do you think Hillary had so many of them surrounding her at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia recently?

Because, duh, there’s a significant chunk of the voting populace which doesn’t give a damn whether or not their potential next president is a lying, cheating, email-hiding, Benghazi-tainted, crony-capitalist, continuation-Obama witch. All that matters to them is knowing they’re on the same team as Katy Perry, Sigourney Weaver, Elizabeth Banks, Meryl Streep and the incredible  chick who played Hit Girl in Kick-Ass.

Clint has done many cool and admirable things in his long and distinguished career. He has vigorously policed the Mexican border region, he has single-handedly cleaned up San Francisco, he has worked with dangerous primates, he has wrestled with Nazis on cable cars, he has overseen the retaking of Iwo Jima. But as anyone who has ever moved in showbiz circles will recognise, nothing Clint has ever done either in real life or on screen, quite matches his raw courage in continually speaking out against the celebrity liberal consensus.

None of them will ever dare question or challenge it because a) they’re too scared the work will dry up – (which it will, because liberals are vindictive that way) and b) because they’re desperate, needy people on a constant quest for validation – and therefore must continually signal their virtue to the world by embracing all the correct liberal causes.

The essence of cool is not giving a damn what other people think about you.

Clint is the very definition of it.

What on earth are we going to do when he’s gone? Who will show us the way?