British anarchists and open borders activists have promised to “fight the police” in Calais this week to stop them demolishing the illegal Jungle migrant camp.

France is due to begin the work on Monday, and the 6,500 to 10,000 migrants living there will either be deported or moved to one of 300 temporary refugee centres across France.

“Lots of us will be going down”, promised a member of the No Borders group at a rally in South London last week, where leaflets bearing a picture of masked, club-wielding activists smashing up a law enforcement van were displayed.

According to The Sunday Times, the “No Borders social” also involved the Anti-Raids Network (ARN), the UK end of No Borders.

The two groups have previously brought chaos to the town in northern France, whipping up riots and encouraging migrants to board ferries in the port, tear down fences, and invade the Channel Tunnel en masse.

ARN frequently ambushes and attacks immigration officials here in the UK, and in 2015, they vandalised and slashed the tires of border force vans attempting to detain illegal migrants.

The leaflets at the event, titled “Fight the raids”, boasted about this “attack”, and was illustrated with graphic images of three hooded activists, one with a rock, one climbing on the roof with a club, and one kicking in the rear window.

Above the picture, the text instructs activists to “cover your face and any identifiable clothing” and “avoid sending compromising messages on your phone”.

It also instructs activists not to “film anyone doing anything compromising, even if you plan to blur/delete this later, as there’s always a risk of getting stopped and searched/arrested by the police in a protest situation”.

“The war against the borders is not just at the frontiers of Brenner, Idomeni or Calais, but also in our own neighbourhoods,” the group explains on Facebook.