Breitbart London editor in chief has told Ireland’s national broadcaster that the Breitbart News Network has “effortless diversity” within its ranks, as the establishment media continues to attack the company as a “white nationalist” site.

From an interview with Radio RTE:

“Brexit at Tiffany’s” is how one tweeter described the now-infamous photo of former UKIP leader Nigel Farage and Donald Trump taken in front of the golden Trump Tower lift.

UKIP’s close ties with Trump have been further highlighted overnight as the president-elect tweeted “Many people would like to see Nigel Farage as British Ambassador to the United States – he would do a great job”

On Today with Sean O’Rourke, self-styled ‘Brex Pistol’ Raheem Kassam, editor-in-chief of the controversial “alt-right” website Breitbart UK, told of how the meeting between Farage and Trump came about so soon after the election.

“I was just in New York because I was attending the Donald Trump party, which turned into the victory party, and I got a call from Nigel saying ‘I’m in Florida giving a speech. Do you think I should come to New York?’ and I said ‘Yeah, come on down and we’ll try and get a meeting.’ So off we popped to Trump Tower that following Saturday after the election.”

Mr. Kassam has close ties to Trump’s new Chief Strategist, Steve Bannon, who was previously Breitbart News Network’s executive chairman.

Indeed, Bannon personally flew to London to hire Kassam for Breitbart, a website which has been accused, by some commentators, of pushing a racist, homophobic and misogynist agenda.

Speaking about the accusations against Bannon, he said, “I’ve worked for Steve for three years now…he flew out to London to hire me, a brown son of Muslim parents, to run his London bureau… we have just the most incredible and effortless diversity in Breitbart… these guys who set out to portray Steve Bannon as a white nationalist or a white supremacist, let me say this, if he’s a white supremacist, he’s the worst white supremacist in the world based on the diversity he’s put around him.”