Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán told the annual congress of the European People’s Party (EPP) that the European Court of Human Rights (EHCR) is a “threat to the security of EU people” and an invitation to migrants. He urged the EPP to advocate for “national pride and Christian identity” or Europe will have a Muslim majority within a generation.

Addressing the conference in Malta on Thursday, Orbán called mass migration from the Middle East a “Trojan Horse of terrorism” and the language of political correctness “unable to identify and understand the true dangers of migration”, reports Euractiv.

Adding that migration has become an NGO business, he said it had imported a significant “anti-Semitic potential to Europe”.

The Hungarian premier slammed the ECHR, saying that it was in urgent need of reform as its decisions pose “a threat to the security of the European people and offer an invitation to migrants”.

“Europe is the best place in the world,” Orbán said, “at least for the time being”. He warned that the continent faces “serious dangers”, and that migrants settling in Europe favoured living in parallel societies over integration. The view in Central Europe, he said, remained that “if this keeps up”, Western Europe would have a Muslim majority “within our generation’s lifetime”.

Prime Minister Orbán urged the centre-right EPP, which includes parties such as Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union (CDU), the Austrian People’s Party, and Sweden’s Moderate Party, to take up the intellectual and political struggle against the left and be “Europe’s flagship”, advocating for “national pride and Christian identity”.

He stated the left had a clear action plan for the transformation of Europe which would be “fatal” for the continent.

“I understand that the left is putting us under ideological pressure in order to make us feel guilty for the crusades […] but this leftist policy is intellectually disarming Europe against migration,” he emphasised.

On Tuesday, the Central European Visegrad Group (Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic) rejected Brussels’ use of “blackmail” over the forced redistribution across the EU of asylum seekers that arrived during the migrant crisis.

Orbán has been at the forefront of the push-back against the EU’s migrant policies, receiving overwhelming support from the Hungarian people.

Since the beginning of the year, Mr. Orbán has committed to extending border defences, hiring 3,000 new border guards, and constructing container villages to house asylum seekers whilst their claims are being processed to prevent them travelling to other countries.

“We are able to halt any wave of migration, no matter its size,” Orbán said, adding that despite being subject to attacks from Brussels, Hungary’s asylum laws served to protect EU citizens. This, Orbán asserted, is a sign of “true solidarity” with the bloc.