Breitbart London Editor in Chief Raheem Kassam told Breitbart News Daily SiriusXM listeners that naivety over Shariah supremacism runs throughout the Western world, and that there is “very clear evidence” Islamist ghettos are appearing in the United States.

Discussing his new bookNo Go Zones: How Sharia Law Is Coming to a Neighborhood Near You, on Tuesday, Kassam said he was struck by the “naivety through optimism that locals and officials had” in No Go Zone areas such as Rinkeby and Husby in Sweden, Molenbeek in Belgium, and Hamtramck in Detroit.

“I met with nice people, well meaning people who are so naive who believe that in a generation or two this will all go away. It won’t go away,” Kassam told Breitbart News Editor in Chief Alex Marlow, pointing to evidence in Europe that the next generation of Muslims is more fundamentalist, literal, and radical.

Noting the encroaching Shariah supremacist influence on the Western world, Kassam remarked: “People can’t get their heads around that Shariah is a supremacist doctrine. It is a supremacist legal system. It’s not like you can have some and then not have other.”

“This is all encompassing. Shariah is not just cutting someone’s hands off for stealing, it is a way of living your life.”

“Most devout Muslims out there who work in the Deobandi communities and the Tablighi Jamaat organisations of this world – this one that was linked to the San Bernardino attack – they go so far living their lives ‘as the Prophet Muhammed did’ that they will only sleep on one certain side of their body at night. They will only eat at the mosque certain things surrounded by certain people,” noted Kassam.

“That’s what Syed Farook was doing and Tashfeen Malik was pushing him towards before they opened fire on their colleagues at the Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino.

“That’s the short march to radicalisation.”

No Go Zones: How Sharia Law Is Coming to a Neighborhood Near You by Raheem Kassam is due to be released by publisher Regnery on August 14th and is currently available for pre-order on AmazonBarnes and NobleBooks-a-MillioniBooks/iTunes, and on Audible

Listen to Raheem Kassam speaking to Breitbart News Daily host Alex Marlow here:

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