An international committee based in Italy is preparing to nominate open borders Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) which ferry migrants to Europe for the 2018 Nobel Peace Prize.

“The Righteous of the Mediterranean Sea – for the Humanitarian Marine Rescue of Migrants” will be a joint candidature of NGOs, fishing fleets and persons that the committee judged to have ‘continuously, during the Refugee Crisis, conducted maritime rescues along the migratory routes’ in the Mediterranean.

“With their actions, they drowned fear and racism in a wave of compassion and reminded the whole world that we are one, united humanity, above races, nations and religions,” writes the committee, of the 66 subjects to be nominated.

Numerous initiatives in order to boost the candidature’s Nobel Peace Prize prospects are currently planned or underway, the committee announced.

These include a campaign entitled “On the part of the Righteous”, which seeks to get mayors in Europe to declare support for the nomination, and “activating support from  institutions, political organizations and the academic world.”

Explaining its decision to title the joint candidature “righteous” the committee writes that the term “comes from the Bible … and was applied for the first time in Israel with reference to those who rescued Jews from Nazi persecution in Europe.”

Coordinator Andrea Cantini said the committee “brings together an international group of citizens who believe in a Europe of solidarity and humanity” and who have been “outraged” by attempts “to criminalise the humanitarian rescue of migrants”.

The committee’s push to nominate NGOs involved in ferrying migrants to Europe, Cantini said, was prompted by what he described as “recent attacks … coming from different parties and [which are] supported by [the] radical right.”

Numerous NGOs  — the majority of which are included in the committee’s nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize  — were accused of colluding of human traffickers this year, and pressure on the groups ramped up after photographic evidence of collusion was revealed by Italian prosecutors.

Following Italy’s creation of a code of conduct for groups almost all the NGOs suspended their operations in the Mediterranean, with Breitbart London reporting at the end of August that 20 days had passed without a single death on the migrant route following this.