A Sikh cabbie has been given a safeguarding award after saving a young girl from a planned abduction by a paedophile.

The Daily Mail reports:

A taxi driver has been hailed a hero after he saved a schoolgirl from a paedophile armed with knives, tape and sleeping pills.

Driver Satbir Arora picked up the 13-year-old girl from Bicester in Oxfordshire and took her to Gloucester station, but became suspicious when she refused to give him more details about her trip.

It transpired the youngster had been groomed by Sam Hewings, 24, who had discussed kidnapping, sedating and raping a victim on online forums and planned to abduct her after she was dropped off.

When no one arrived to meet the girl, who was dressed in school uniform, the taxi driver asked her for more information but when pressed she declined to say more.

Read more at the Daily Mail