The German automotive giant Volkswagen has been forced to rehire a known radical Islamic extremist who they had previously fired because they feared he might commit a terror attack on their factory.

The Islamic extremist Samir B. was fired from his job at the Volkswagen car plant in November 2016 after he threatened several of his colleagues and expressed a desire to fight for the Islamic State in the Middle East.

The 30-year-old then took his case to court where judges have ordered the manufacturer to give him his job back because the company could not demonstrate he was a reasonable threat to other employees, Bild reports.

Samir B. was known to travel in extremist circles in Wolfsburg and had been pictured alongside members of an Islamic State cell which had travelled to fight for the terror group in Syria. Samir was even accused of driving them to the airport when they left.

In 2014, Samir was stopped by officials at Hanover airport who claimed he wanted to travel to Syria himself with just under 10,000 euros in cash.

In Wolfsburg, the 30-year-old was also involved in distributing radical Islamic propaganda leaflets but most notably he told other employees at the car plant, “you will all die” which prompted the company to fire him after workers claimed to be afraid of him.

Volkswagen offered to pay the Islamic extremist 65,000 euros but the offer was rejected by Samir’s lawyers.

While the case is unique, other cases have highlighted the potential danger of radical Islamic extremists working in certain industries. In early 2016, 30 Muslim men with traditional Arabic names were fired from Geneva airport after a threat of terrorism.

In March of that year, Islamic radicals attacked Brussels airport killing 32 civilians and injuring 300 others. One of the attackers, Najim Laachraoui, was revealed to have worked at the airport for several years.

Shortly after the attack, it was revealed that Islamic extremists had been employed at Paris’s Charles de Gaulle Airport.

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