Irish actor and abortion advocate Liam Neeson has published an open letter in the Irish Independent urging citizens to overturn Ireland’s constitutional amendment that recognizes the right to life of unborn children.

Framing the abortion question as a women’s rights issue, Leeson wrote Sunday that Irish men “must stand with women” by allowing them access to legal abortion.

“There are times when we must stand for what is right,” Neeson claimed. “When the obvious injustice of a situation demands that we do so. For me, the upcoming referendum on the Eighth Amendment is one of those times. A time to stand up and be counted. A moment when men must stand with women.”

On May 25, Irish citizens will take to the polls to vote on a national referendum on whether to retain or repeal the Eighth Amendment, which acknowledges and defends unborn babies’ right to life.

In his 610-word letter, Neeson never once makes reference to the children in the womb that are the casualties of abortion.

Instead, Neeson refers over and over to “women’s rights.”

“Yes, gone are the days when our country used to drop our pregnant women and girls off at the gates of institutions that hid them behind high walls,” Neeson wrote. “Yet still, we drop our girlfriends, wives, daughters, sisters and mothers to the departure gates at Dublin Airport, forcing them to travel to other countries to access basic healthcare services and denying them necessary aftercare upon their return.”

International pro-abortion forces have targeted Ireland because of its restrictive abortion laws, and in 2016 revealed that left-wing billionaire George Soros has been using his Open Society Foundation (OSF) to turn Ireland into a pro-abortion country. Soros reportedly intends to use Ireland as a prototype to overturn anti-abortion laws in Catholic countries around the world.

The United Nations has also attacked Ireland for its pro-life laws, demanding that the predominantly Catholic nation repeal the Eighth Amendment to its constitution that bans the procedure. For years, the UN has targeted the Emerald Isle for its unwillingness to allow women to abort their babies.

A UN committee in 2014 went so far as to claim that the Irish constitution violates international law, and in 2016, a ruling from UN human rights “experts” said that Ireland’s abortion ban “subjects women to discriminatory, cruel and degrading treatment.”

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