Outlining a “revolutionary” populist agenda for Italy, the nation’s new prime minister has promised an “end” to mass immigration from third world nations.

“The people spoke and demanded change,” Giuseppe Conte said Tuesday in his maiden address to parliament, where he promised to serve the public as their “lawyer for the interests of the Italian people”.

A lawyer with no background in politics, the Italian premier confirmed that “populist” would be an appropriate descriptor for Italy’s new government — a coalition of the national conservative League (Lega) party with the anti-establishment Five Star Movement (M5S).

Noting that the two parties have been “accused of being populists and anti-system”, he told the Senate that “if populism is the ruling class listening to people’s needs” and “anti-system” refers to their aim to build a new system removing corruption, then Lega and M5S “deserve both of these qualifications”.

Tuesday, Il Giornale reported the beginning of a “Salvini-Orbán axis” following a telephone call between Lega interior minister Matteo Salvini and Hungarian premier Viktor Orbán in which the pair pledged to “change Europe together”.

According to local media, the new interior minister signalled that Rome is planning to ally with the Visegrád nations in their war against plans for an EU asylum system which would see Brussels put in charge of third world migration to the continent.

The Italian premier used his speech to promise a two-tiered flat tax and to boost the living standards of low-income pensioners along with bringing an end to the “golden pensions” awarded to politicians and some public servants at taxpayers’ expense under the current system.

“If ordinary people face a thousand daily struggles because they are out of work, have a pension that doesn’t allow them to get by or are working for a negligible salary, it is intolerable that the political class does not bear the due economic consequences,” he said.

While reaffirming the government’s commitment to membership of NATO and its support for the U.S. “as a privileged ally”, the prime minister said his Cabinet wants to take a less adversarial stance on Russia than their predecessors and will “push for a review of the sanctions system”.

Speaking on plans to crack down on the massive third world migration Italy has seen in recent years, which has been seen by many as being aided by globalist billionaire George Soros, Conte vowed to halt “exploitation linked to human trafficking” and “wipe out all infiltration [of the reception system] by organised crime groups”.

“We will end the immigration business, which has grown out of all proportion under the cloak of fake solidarity,” he told the Senate.