A citizen-led group has taken to the Slovenian-Croatian border in an effort to help bolster the presence of law enforcement agents preventing illegal mass migration.

Described as “vigilantes” by some media outlets, the group and its leader Andrei Sisko are patrolling the border for illegal migrants, saying they are there to support existing law enforcement officers, Euronews reports.

“I think the only solution here is to send the army to the border, the situation is similar now as if you were opening the gates of a prison and saying we’re releasing all the prisoners, who would stay in there?” Blaz Zidar, a member of the group, said.

Earlier this week, Zidar and his “village guard” not only discovered over 30 illegal aliens attempting to cross the border, they also discovered a Pakistani migrant who had been stabbed and robbed by his compatriots.

According to Zidar, the Pakistani man had been stabbed six times, twice in the shoulder and four times in his legs. The so-called vigilantes were able to get the Pakistani migrant medical treatment, likely saving his life, according to Slovenian magazine Demokracija.

“The goal is to train people and volunteers to defend their land as needed and to help the military and police to control public order in times of massive migrations from African and Asian countries, especially Muslim, to protect our borders, because a state that is unable to protect its border is really not a sovereign state,” the group’s leader Andrei Sisko said.

Civilian groups have patrolled the borders of their countries for illegals in other European countries for years, including the “organisation for the protection of Bulgarian citizens” founded by Hristo Atanasov who described their activity in 2016 as “healthy walks”.

While the number of migrants flooding into Europe has gone down substantially since the height of the migrant crisis in 2015, the open border policy of the new leftist Italian government along with a surge of migrants landing in Greece has some concerned a new crisis could be on the horizon.

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