The latest salvo in the mainstream media’s ugly, dishonest, and bought-and-paid-for war on vaccine sceptics comes from the Daily Telegraph.

It has run a silly piece in its women’s features section titled ‘Why I’m Disinviting My Unvaccinated Friends from My Dinner Parties.’

The author is one Kate Mulvey, whose published works include ‘Flirting with the Barman: the Big Girl’s Guide to Growing Old Disgracefully‘ and How to Date a Younger Man: the Cougar’s Guide to Cubhunting‘.

Mulvey begins by describing a gathering of friends at which, naturally, conversation turned instantly to which brand of experimental gene therapy they had had injected into their bingo wings:

Soon, as is now customary, we were swapping our vaccination stories – apart from one friend, that is, who kept very quiet. Because she has decided not to have the jab.

When it was her turn to reveal if she was “Astra or Pfizer”, she said: “Neither, actually…” When she caught our incredulous expressions, she explained she was against “putting stuff” in her body and would take her chances with herd immunity.

The rest of us fell awkwardly silent and then changed the subject – but, later, I found myself fuming. I feel increasingly angry at those who refused to be vaxxed.

What Mulvey never quite successfully explains is why she should feel so angry about other people’s private medical decisions.

After all, if the vaccines work then she and her vaccinated friends should be completely protected from any of those so-called ‘Covidiots’ who refuse to follow suit.

This is a silly article but not a harmless one. It is part of a propaganda technique known as ‘seeding.’ The Telegraph, which like the rest of the MSM derives a significant chunk of its revenue from government advertising, is pushing the narrative that vaccine sceptics are deviants, Untermenschen, outcasts who have no place in polite society.

The historical precedents for this are obvious. Truly it is shaming that a nicely brought up, middle-class girl like Kate Mulvey (educated at posh girls’ school Godolphin and Latymer) and the former house journal of the Tory shires should be engaging in this kind of finger-pointing, vilification and dehumanisation.

Happily most of the readers haven’t fallen for this ruse. The comments are, in the main, sceptical:

This is a propaganda piece right? critical thinking eschewed for mindless snobbery or did you ever have a brain to begin with? The most arrogant article i’ve read, even The Guardian don’t stoop this low.

What an appalling article, who’d be so pompous as to write such drivel? Probably a double-masking lockdown fanatic  too ?

I’m beginning to wish I hadn’t been vaccinated now…

Your dinner parties will be a bundle of laughs, with all your guests virtue signalling like mad.  Will you inspect their vaccination certificates before you let them in? I have had two vaccinations, but must decline your invitation owing to a subsequent engagement.

But this repellant scapegoating of the unvaccinated won’t stop. It is part of what looks very much like a concerted campaign to demonise so-called vaccine ‘Refuseniks’.

As I wrote before, this campaign has already roped in such members of the Wankerati as composer Andrew Lloyd Webber, radio hosts Nick Ferrari, Iain Dale and Shelaghhhh Fogerty, chef Marco Pierre White, and sister-of-famous-person Rachel Johnson. Now the case for having the jab has been made more compelling still thanks to the assertion on breakfast TV by former game-show presenter Nick Hewer that everyone should ignore the possibility of blood clots and get jabbed “for the common good.”

Well if the guy who used to present Countdown and who, before that, was one of Lord Sugar’s sidekicks on The Apprentice says we should take the vaccine, how can we possibly refuse?