A survey has revealed that 48.9 per cent of Spaniards would back forcing people in their country to take the Wuhan coronavirus vaccine, with only one in four people against the idea.

The survey, conducted by the Center for Sociological Research (CIS), interviewed a total of 3,660 people between the 1st and 13th of October, 95 per cent of who stated they were already vaccinated against the coronavirus.

Around half of the respondents, or 48.9 per cent, said they supported the idea of mandatory vaccinations for the general public, an increase from the previous month which saw 47.4 per cent back forced vaccinations.

A total of 24.6 per cent of the respondents said they did not agree with mandatory forced vaccinations at all, while 23 per cent said it would depend on the circumstances.

Spanish newspaper El Mundo reports that while only five per cent of those who took part in the survey were not vaccinated, 56.4 per cent of them said they have no intention to do so, with 34 per cent of those not getting the vaccine saying they do not trust it, while 19.5 per cent said they fear health side effects.

As of the end of September, nearly 80 per cent of Spaniards reported having taken at least one dose of the coronavirus vaccine, or 90 per cent of those eligible.

The support for mandatory vaccinations in Spain comes as Italy has made their vaccine passport, the Green Pass, mandatory in workplaces across the country until at least the end of December.

On October 15th, the deadline for workers to have a valid Green Pass began, with the pass being obtained either by full vaccination, having recovered from the virus and proving antibodies or by regular negative coronavirus tests.

Some workers, however, have expressed opposition to the mandatory Green Pass, including dockworkers in Trieste who went on strike and blocked the port over the weekend until they have dispersed with tear gas and water cannons by police on Monday.

Populist Senator Matteo Salvini reacted to the heavy-handed tactics of the police asking what reason the Interior Ministry had for the action. Giorgia Meloni, leader of the national conservative Brothers of Italy (FdI), also condemned the government’s actions.