The president of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies has slammed European countries over alleged double standards in the treatment of Ukrainian refugees versus other asylum seekers.

President Francesco Rocca stated that European countries had shown a “double standard” regarding Ukrainian refugees and asylum seekers from elsewhere, such as migrants fleeing Africa and the Middle East.

“Those who are fleeing violence, those who are seeking protection, should be treated equally,” Rocca said and claimed there was no difference between someone fleeing the Ukrainian conflict or someone fleeing extremist groups like Boko Haram in Nigeria, newspaper Ekathimerini reports.

“We hoped that the Ukrainian crisis would have been a turning point in the European migration policies,” Roccad said and added, “But unfortunately, this was not the case.”

Since the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine in late February, some six million Ukrainians fled their country, with over half, 3.3 million, arriving in Poland alone, while hundreds of thousands of others fled to neighbouring and nearby countries.

“In Europe there is a big heart and soul, because the community in Europe were able to open their arms, receiving millions in a few days of Ukrainians,” Rocca stated and claimed countries “lie” about dangers from illegal migrants, claiming “it comes about a few thousands of people.”

Several recent serious incidents have been linked to illegal immigration, including the Nice terror attack in October of 2020 that saw a Tunisian illegal immigrant who came to Italy by boat across the Mediterranean sea murder three people in a Nice basilica in a terrorist attack.

“Ethnicity and nationality should not be a deciding factor to saving life,” Rocca said and added, “There is a double standard.”

“This is evident. It is in our eyes, and we cannot deny it when it comes about seeking protection,” he said.

Similar accusations of double standards have been levelled by other non-governmental organisations (NGOs), including aid groups in northern France who slammed the local government in Calais for its approach toward Ukrainians compared to migrants for elsewhere.

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