A video of heavyweight champion Tyson Fury lambasting the government’s failure to get a grip on the illegal boat migrants crisis in the English Channel has gone viral, partly driven, ironically, by critics of the boxer’s views.

Fury, boxing’s lineal heavyweight champion, gave his thoughts on “thousands and thousands of immigrants” entering the country while “our own people [are] dying on the streets homeless” while jogging  in a video which Guardian and New York Times contributor Karim Zidan uploaded to Twitter, alleging that it was “making the rounds on far right Telegram channels.”

Ironically, Zidan highlighting the video in a rather negative way led to it being spread even further, with large-audience conservative commentators such as Paul Joseph Watson covering it as well.

In the video, Fury complains that Britain is “letting thousands and thousands of immigrants in… yet we’ve got our own people dying on the streets, homeless, who can’t get anything. They can’t get no money, they can’t get help — you know, what’s going on?”

It was recently revealed that asylum seekers, who are given free accommodation — increasingly in hotels — and a weekly stipend of at least £39.63 alongside access to the National Health Service (NHS), free dental care, and education for supposed children between the ages of five and 17 are costing the British taxpayer at least £2 billion a year.

It is not clear how recent the video shared by Zidan is, but the problem of illegal boat migrants remains a live and worsening issue for the United Kingdom.

Brexit leader Nigel Farage, who helped to drag the phenomenon into the public spotlight by putting out to see and observing it firsthand, declared it a “national emergency”  earlier this month.

“We are now letting in tens of thousands of undocumented young males. They throw their passports, their mobile phones into the English Channel. We cannot track who they are, we cannot see whether they’ve got serious criminal records, we are becoming a much less safe country as a result of this, and that’s why this is now an emergency,” he lamented.

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