A man in London had a morning to remember on Wednesday, after waking up to find Britain’s outgoing Prime Minister raiding his home alongside police.

Footage of an apparently extremely baffled man confronting outgoing British Prime Minister Boris Johnson in his own home during a police raid has gone viral online, with the man even videoing himself asking Boris Johnson how he is as police search his residence.

While not the first time Boris Johnson has joined in on police raids, the bizarre incident will be one of his final actions as Prime Minister, as the ousted leader prepares to be replaced by either WEF affiliate Liz Truss or WEF affiliate Rishi Sunak.

According to a report by the Daily Mail, the man who videoed the incident reportedly was woken up early Wednesday morning to police raiding his home.

However, upon opening his bedroom door, the man — named by The Independent as Splinter Sales — found that the UK Prime Minister had accompanied officers into the premises.

Sales proceed to ask the premier “wagwan Boris?”, slang for “what is going on?”, to which Johnson replies — rather sheepishly — “Good morning, how are you doing?”

“I was so shocked,” Sales reportedly said after the encounter. “I was drunk last night, I woke up to see Boris Johnson in my face. I thought I was dreaming.”

Police are reported as finding some class B drugs and paraphernalia during the raid, though no arrests were made, and it is understood that Sales — who reportedly shares the residence — has not been accused of any wrongdoing.

The dawn raid on Sales’ home — while bizarre — will likely also be remembered as one of the last actions of Boris Johnson’s premiership, as the ousted leader prepares to hand power to his successor on Monday.

With this in mind, Johnson appears to be rather anxious to secure a legacy in the twilight hours of his time in power, announcing a host of measures seemingly aimed a leaving a mark on the UK for years to come.

According to a report by The Telegraph, Johnson aims to announce a major expansion of the British nuclear energy industry as his final action as premier, with the state reportedly looking to take a 20 per cent stake in a reactor planned to be built in Suffolk.

While also set to praise his own administration’s plan to build the equivalent of a nuclear reactor a year for eight years, the PM will reportedly say that it makes his “blood start to boil” to think that his country, the first to split the atom, has so few nuclear power plants.

How well such an announcement will stick is yet to be seen however, with Johnson set to be replaced next week by either Liz Truss — a former Liberal Democrat with links to the World Economic Forum — or Rishi Sunak — a man traditionally seen as being very sympathetic to the Chinese Communist Party, as well as being affiliated with the World Economic Forum.

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