While many people around the world are mourning the death of Queen Elizabeth II, various blue ticks on Twitter have been celebrating the monarch’s death.

Many critics of the monarchy — even those who have links to armed struggles against the Queen and her United Kingdom — have been polite enough to express their condolences to those mourning, but parts of blue checkmark Twitter have not had such class, instead thinking it best to express open delight.
Posts relishing in the idea that the Queen could die began earlier today, with Carnegie Mellon University professor Uju Anya wishing the Queen an “agonizingly painful death like the one she caused for millions of people”.

Upon the announcement of her death, however, many netizens expressed outright delight at the idea, with some posting gifs and videos of dancing people and crabs in apparent celebration at the announcement that the Queen had died.

Other users appeared to suggest that the monarch had ended up in hell, with others openly fantasising that the Queen — who was ranked Britain’s best ever in a poll conducted by YouGov in 2015 — would be spending time with the likes of former UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and former U.S. President Ronald Reagan.

Some users meanwhile took a more political approach to the news, with one poster thinking it best to use the time mere hours after the Queen’s death to push for Canada to become a Republic.

Another user — a founding member of a hard-left magazine who describes himself as being a “democratic socialist” — meanwhile appeared to express his annoyance at U.S. President Joe Biden for paying tribute to the Queen, asking what good it was “having an Irish guy in the White House?”

Others still appeared to prioritise their own grievances in relating to Britain’s colonial period over the feelings of those saddened by the passing of the monarch, with one slamming her as the “queen of colonialism“, while another user simply wrote: “fuck the queen of england, give africa back her jewels (sic)”.

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