A photo of three siblings praying together before their first day of school went viral after their mother shared it on social media.

The photo, taken by Jamisha Harris of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, showed the three children, Eugene, 10, Jorden, 8, and Emily, 7, holding hands with heads bowed as they prayed together on Monday morning.

The social media post read:

Dear God, This morning I’m feeling nervous and a little unsure but thankful. I pray for my children on their first day of school. God, I give them to you. And I ask that, this year, you would use every person and every experience and every lesson to shape them into your image, to grow in them the fruit of your Spirit.

Harris told Fox News that she and her husband lost their apartment on Sunday and also recently lost their jobs.

“It has been very hard for all of us,” the mother of three said. “And with all the tragedies events that have been occurring in the world lately, I feel nothing is safe for my children and we are praying because I am sending my children into this wicked world and mommy is not there to protect them.”

“So now we’re just looking to get back on our feet and get a house that’s for us,” Harris commented.

Harris told reporters that their family prays for their community before school each morning. “We pray for everyone: teachers, bus driver, friends, family members, we pray for a change and peace,” she said, adding, “They may have taken praying out of schools but not out of God’s children.”

The family set up a GoFundMe page titled “Praying kids” to help them get back on their feet. So far, the page has raised $14,789 of their $8,000 goal.

The page stated that “with all the tragedies that’s been going on in the world we have to stay prayed up.”