The U.S. Bishops Conference (USCCB) has condemned pro-abortion bills the House Committee on Appropriations introduced this week.

“Congress is continuing to move forward on paying for abortion with your tax dollars!” warned a July 15 email from the USCCB Office of Pro-Life Activities. “Your U.S. senators and representative need to hear from you now.”

According to the U.S. bishops, the House Committee on Appropriations is putting forth bills this week that would not only “force taxpayers to pay for elective abortions” but would also “force health care providers and professionals to perform and refer for abortion against their deeply-held beliefs.”

The appropriations bills would also “force employers and insurers to cover and pay for abortion in health plans,” the bishops asserted.

The Hyde Amendment and similar laws “have protected taxpayers from funding elective abortion for 45 years,” the bishops declared on their website. “Now, powerful members of Congress want to take away these laws that both Democrats and Republicans have supported for nearly half a century.”

The Hyde Amendment, which protects American taxpayers from funding domestic abortions, “has saved nearly 2.5 million babies and mothers in difficult circumstances from the tragedy of abortion,” they stated.

“Billions of taxpayer dollars could be used to pay for abortion” without these protections, they insisted.

The bishops have launched a petition drive titled “No Taxpayer Abortion” urging concerned citizens to tell Congress “not to take innocent lives.”

“Don’t let Congress vote for an appropriations bill that includes this coercion!” they pleaded.

Despite the Catholic Church’s constant teaching on the grave evil of abortion as the murder of the most vulnerable members of society, a number of Democrats who self-identify as Catholics support abortion rights, including President Joe Biden and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi.