Two senior ladies have created a special friendship thanks to a volunteer program in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.

Pamela Liddell, 64, is a regular visitor at 90-year-old Josephine Toia’s home, according to CBS 17.

Twice a week, Liddell makes her way to Toia’s house to spend time with her and chat about anything and everything.

“We talk about our family. Especially her husband,” Liddell said of her friend. “She misses him so much. She loved her husband. They were soul mates for real.”

Both ladies grew up in the Pittsburgh area, have three kids, and are great-grandmothers.

Toia said Liddell’s visits are always fun, adding, “She’s very warm. Very considerate.”

The county’s Senior Companion Program matches seniors in the area with people in their own stage of life who assist them with simple activities such as shopping, doctor’s visits, or social outings, the county website stated.

Liddell said it can be lonely for elderly people who live all by themselves.

“They’re sitting there looking at those walls, the telephone ain’t ringing. They need some company, and I’m gonna be the one that makes them happy,” she commented.

Toia’s arthritis causes her to have limited mobility, so Liddell walks with her up and down the hallway to make sure she gets some exercise.

“Really, they’re helping me, too. Because I was a lonely something, too,” Liddell said of the seniors she met through the program.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) National Institute on Aging (NIH) website noted that people who have companionship on a regular basis tend to be more healthy.

“Conversely, people who engage in meaningful, productive activities with others tend to live longer, boost their mood, and have a sense of purpose,” the site read.

Liddell commented that she believes being there for the elderly in her community is about much more than just friendship.

“I feel like I did something that God would’ve wanted me to do. At least I did something for today. You’re supposed to help people. And I’m trying to walk with God, so I have to help people,” she concluded.