A garden shop in Pennsylvania is going the extra mile to deliver hot meals and deliver groceries for customers during the coronavirus outbreak.

Maureen Johnson, a writer from New York City, tweeted Wednesday that her mother had called her from Pennsylvania and said that Castle’s Garden, Lawn, and Landscape Inc. had provided her with a lot more than just an order of flowers.

“My mother just called me. She had ordered some flowers from a small local store, to be delivered and dropped on the porch. When they brought the flowers, they said, ‘Hang on, we have something for you.’ The driver went back to the truck and proceeded to bring out a bag of hot meals, and then MULTIPLE bags of groceries,” she wrote on Twitter.

When her mother asked why, the store replied, “When you called, you mentioned you had promised your daughter not to go out, so we were worried you had no food and brought some.

Johnson said she set up weekly deliveries for her parents, but this small business went above and beyond to make sure their customers were fed during the coronavirus pandemic.

 “And they refused–REFUSED–payment for it. So I would like to shout out this business to the rooftops,” she said.

Meanwhile, Castle’s Garden, Lawn, and Landscape is just thankful that it can help its customers in their time of need.

In a Facebook post on Wednesday, they wrote that they do not do this to be recognized for their work, but they do take this as an “opportunity to pay it forward.”

“We don’t do this for recognition and are overwhelmed with gratitude by your response. Please take this opportunity to pay it forward and not only support your local small businesses but be kind to your neighbors. It is a community effort,” the garden center wrote.