Iowa’s Gov. Kim Reynolds (R) joined the increasing number of Republican governors on Wednesday, who have voiced their opinion and are standing firmly against issuing vaccine passports to Americans.

As the vaccinations have increased across the country, Governors across the country have started to take sides on having their states issue “vaccine passports.” Reynolds is the most recent governor to come out against the issue. At the same time, the federal government has still has not made any plans to issue any type of passport. Including that for domestic travel.

“Since the start of the pandemic, I’ve consistently put my trust in Iowans to do the right thing, rather than demand or mandate it,” said Reynolds.  “Vaccination is no different.  While I’ll believe in the efficacy of the vaccine enough to get it myself and encourage Iowans to do the same, I also respect that it’s a personal choice.”

I strongly oppose vaccine passports and I believe that we must take a stand as a state against them.

Posted by Kim Reynolds on Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Reynolds continued to say, “I will also continue to do my part to educate and encourage Iowans about the importance of being vaccinated. … We will take action either through the legislature or with executive action against vaccine passports.”

The Iowan said the passport could go against “privacy implications, HIPPA, First and Fourth Amendment Rights, and Americans with Disabilities Act.”

Reynolds believes when an idea like the passports comes to fruition, it could possibly, create “a two-tiered society.”

“You’re either engaged or you’re marginalized.  What are they doing with the data? It’s more big government overseeing what’s happening,” the Republican continued, “We want to make sure that doesn’t move forward in the state of Iowa based on what they would do at the federal level.  We’re not alone in doing that.  Other states are taking similar steps.”

Breitbart News previously reported that Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp (R) and Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee (R) on Tuesday showed they would also not support vaccine passports. In addition, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) said, “Government should not require” showing anything that will “reveal private health information,” and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R), who led the way in vocalizing opposition to the passports,  has said the idea of vaccine passports are “terrible” and “unacceptable.”

Congresswoman Ashley Hinson of Iowa’s First Congregational District supported the Governor’s decision to not have any form of vaccine passport in the State of Iowa. Hinson tweeted, the “passports would infringe on the privacy and freedom of Americans.”