Starting April 16, masks will no longer be required in Branson, Missouri, as of Friday for the first time since July 31, 2020.

The Branson Board of Aldermen voted unanimously to move the end date of the mask mandate because local vaccination rates are going up, and there is a relatively flat trend of coronavirus cases, KTTS reported.

At the same time, the city is encouraging local businesses to put in place their own safety requirements for customers and staff.

Mayor Larry Milton urged his supporters not to attack or persecute individuals who choose to continue wearing masks or businesses that continue to require people to wear masks.

“This vote was never about forcing individuals to stop wearing masks. It was about getting government out of it. These decisions should be left up to the individual citizens and businesses. We are one Branson, moving forward together for a brighter future for all,” Milton told KTHV.

The mask mandate used to be scheduled to expire on May 24.