Iowa’s labor commissioner has announced the state will not enforce the Biden administration’s vaccine mandate meant for businesses with 100 workers or more.

In a statement, Commissioner Rod Roberts explained that “after reviewing the mandate — Iowa will not adopt the federal standard,” KCCI reported Saturday.

Roberts continued:

Iowa doesn’t have a standard requiring the Covid-19 vaccine or testing. But after closely reviewing the federal OSHA Vaccine Mandate, Iowa has determined it will not adopt the federal standard. Iowa has concluded that it is not necessary because Iowa’s existing standards are at least as effective as the federal standard change.

In response to Roberts’ move, Gov. Kim Reynolds (R) issued a statement in which she commended his decision:

“We are going to continue to protect the freedoms and liberties of Iowans. The Biden Administration continues to ignore the constitutional rights afforded to all Americans, which our country was built on,” Reynolds noted.

“Instead, they’d rather dictate health care decisions and eliminate personal choice, causing our businesses and employees to suffer and exacerbating our workforce shortage,” she added.


In December, the Supreme Court announced it would hear oral arguments in appeals against Biden’s vaccine mandates for businesses with 100 or more employees and for healthcare workers.

At the time, Breitbart News explained the Biden administration’s attempt to force the vaccination on large numbers of American workers. “Out of Biden’s five federal coronavirus vaccine mandates, the mandate for large businesses, issued by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), is the largest and impacts 84 million workers. Biden’s Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) mandate for healthcare workers covers approximately 10.4 million people with an additional 2.7 million individuals who will be covered once hired. The OSHA mandate allows for a testing option for unvaccinated employees, whereas healthcare workers can either qualify for a religious or medical exemption or face firing.”

During an interview Friday on Fox News Channel’s America’s Newsroom, Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich (R) asserted the Biden administration’s logic in defending the vaccine mandate is they “can literally threaten every single person’s livelihood in this country if they don’t kowtow to the dictates of the federal government.”