During Tuesday night’s vice presidential debate, Virginia Senator Tim Kaine said that he and Hillary Clinton are committed to “background record checks” because such checks “make us safer.” 

He used the example of the April 16, 2007, Virginia Tech attack to make his point. During that attack a gunman walked into gun-free zones on the Virginia Tech campus, shooting and killing 32 innocents. What Kaine failed to mention is that the Virginia Tech gunman passed a background check for his firearm

And the Virginia Tech gunman is not an anomaly among mass public attackers, Breitbart News previously reported that the vast majority of public attackers–and alleged attackers–of recent memory all acquired their guns via background checks. These include:

In addition to these examples, Paris, France, has extremely comprehensive background checks–even more comprehensive than those in California–yet they also suffered 12 shot and killed during the January 7, 2015, Charlie Hebdo attack and lost another 130 innocents killed during a November 13, 2015, firearm-based terror attack in the city.

The bottom line: Kaine’s statement that background checks “make us safer” is only true if you dismiss all the instances in which they haven’t.