Former United State Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has joined the board of the high tech cloud storage company Dropbox–and despite left-wing outrage, she will retain the position, unlike recently-ousted Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich.

The announcement ignited controversy because of Rice’s role in the Bush Administration as National Security Adviser during the Iraq war and for her support for warrantless wiretaps.

Progressive activists quickly started a social media campaign centered around the phrase “Drop Dropbox,” but the company affirmed it will keep Ms. Rice on its board. Fox News reported that Dropbox founder and CEO, Drew Houston, said that Rice will “expand our global footprint.” Houston wrote on the Dropbox blog, “We’re honored to be adding someone as brilliant and accomplished as Dr. Rice to our team.”

Rice is an international figure and her selection as board member aims to help Dropbox with their operations in foreign countries. Moreover, they are hoping Rice can help expand their marketing base with those countries that have blocked its use in the past, such as China. 

It is unclear why Dropbox has been recently restored in China and why it was blocked in the first place, but according to TechCrunch it most likely involves the sharing of politically sensitive information.