The bomb squad, hazmat, police, and firefighters flooded an upscale Novato neighborhood Friday morning after discovering explosives in a Marin County woman’s car. A further investigation of the home she lived in with her little girl, which ultimately led to her arrest, revealed she owned 87 explosives and had ingredients to make a bomb.

According to ABC 7 News, the Marin County Sheriff’s Department had started following Laureen Mason, 43, because she allegedly threatened someone. Mason reportedly ignited several of the explosives during the week in an attempt to intimidate someone, which is what sparked the investigation. According to reports, when police pulled her over, they found explosives in her car, then searched her home.

Her roommate, Joy Brown, was reportedly shocked at the discovery. She described her as “a great mother” and “a really sweet person,” while  noting that Mason–who lived in the master bedroom–always kept her door locked. “If they [the explosives] were in there we didn’t know about it,” Brown told ABC 7.

Mason has reportedly been charged with endangering her five-year-old daughter. Her boyfriend, Robert Speer, 33, has been charged with possessing one of the explosive devices.

Follow Adelle Nazarian on Twitter @AdelleNaz.