Mandated drought restrictions have spawned San Diego’s new “Bucket List Challenge” bucket giveaway, which asks area residents to take actions like using cold water from their warming showers to flush their toilets.

Starting Friday at the San Diego County Fair, and later at the agency’s headquarters, the County Water Authority will begin giving out free seven-quart plastic buckets emblazoned with the words:

When in Drought

Save every day, every way.

San Diego County Water Authority

The vessels are part of plans to comply with California Governor Jerry Brown’s mandatory water restrictions, which are the first in the state’s history.

“To help local water agencies meet state water-use reduction targets and avoid state fines, the Water Authority’s Board of Directors has restricted irrigation of ornamental landscapes with potable water to no more than two days a week across the region,” states the San Diego County Water Authority.

Suggestions for using the bucket include collecting shower water as it heats up, saving water used while rinsing dishes, retaining water used while washing fruits and vegetables, and re-using water after using it to boil pasta or steam vegetables.

Suggestions for using the water collected include: watering plants, washing cars, washing windows, soaking instead of scrubbing dirty dishes–and as mentioned, flushing the toilet.

Bucket listers are also being encouraged to share their efforts on Twitter using the hashtags #bucketlist and #cadrought.

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