Governor Jerry Brown, who issued an executive order in April forcing the state to cut green house gas emissions to 40% under 1990 levels by 2030, released a statement Thursday endorsing Pope Francis’s encyclical on climate change.

Brown said:

In the face of the deep obsession with markets and material stuff, Pope Francis has called attention to our fundamental dependency on the natural environment. It’s now up to leaders in business and government – and wherever else – to join together and reverse our accelerating slide into climate disorder and widespread suffering.

Brown’s executive order far outdistanced any state’s attempts to reduce carbon emissions in the next fifteen years.

Brown once studied to be a Jesuit priest, and is Catholic when it seems convenient for him; last August 22 the State of California issued a letter informing Christian Universities and Catholic Universities that they had to give their employees insurance that would include coverage for elective abortion, according to LifeSiteNews.