Since the advent of the written exam people have found ways to cheat.

This has increased with the advancement of technology. Most recently a number of universities banned the Apple watch and other wearable technological devices.

According to a report published in the Chronicle of Higher Education, Australian universities have restricted the use of smart watches. At the University of New South Wales, for example, students are required to place their wristwatches in clear bags and leave them under their desks during exams.

Reportedly, Apple sold 2.8 million watches since June of this year.

In the United States students taking the GRE, SAT and ACT college entrance exams are barred from using any sort of devices for the duration of the test. Although, in some cases, test takers with doctors notes could receive extra time depending on their needs.

In March, about 600 high school students in eastern India were expelled for cheating on their exams using scraps of paper hidden in between text books.

Business Insider lists the top 10 biggest college cheating scandals here.

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