It is a fact that California’s expanded background checks for gun sales did not prevent illegal alien Juan Francisco Lopez Sanchez from allegedly shooting Kathryn Steinle on July 3.

This is worth pointing out because gun control proponents like Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV), Representative Mike Thompson (D-CA), and former Rep. Gabby Giffords have been actively promising us that expanded background checks would make Americans safer.

But they did not make Kathryn Steinle safer. And, ironically, they did not make Giffords safer. After all, her attacker passed a background check to acquire the gun he used when opening fire in Tucson, Arizona, on January 8, 2011.

In fact, background checks have been impotent to stop the most public of attackers during the last 15 years. .

Manchin, Thompson, and Giffords tell us expanding background checks will keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people. California has the very background checks this gun control trio wants for the country at large–yet that did not keep a gun out of Sanchez’s hand.

Moreover, California has a ban on “high capacity” magazines and requires all guns to be registered with the state. Yet neither of these additional requirements saved Steinle’s life, either.

There are laws against murder, laws against assault, laws regulating guns, and laws regulating immigration, but none of these matter to hardened criminals, who by their very nature are antithetical to the laws of a given society.

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