California Governor Jerry Brown will join county employees and invited guests in San Bernardino County on Monday for a private memorial service honoring the victims of the December 2 Islamic terror attacks.

The exclusive event will take place in Ontario at Citizens Business Bank Arena, 4000 East Ontario Parkway. A brief release from the office of the governor gave little information, but pointed out that the 2 p.m. event will be a “private memorial service.”

Terrorist husband and wife team Sayed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik killed 14 and injured 22 in the Dec. 2 Inland Regional Center attack with the help of two rifles provided by friend and Muslim convert Enrique Marquez. Farook and Malik died hours after the attack in a shootout with police. Marquez  now faces charges relating to prior terror attack plans made with Farook and providing the firearms.

Kamala Harris — California Attorney General and 2016 candidate for U.S. Senate to replace the retiring Barbara Boxer — is also scheduled to attend the service according to the Press Enterprise.

Employees are scheduled to return to two of the three IRC buildings on Monday. The building where the attacks took place remains closed according to Los Angeles Daily News.

There was still a victim of the attacks listed in serious condition as of Sunday. The report stated that the individual is being treated at Loma Linda University Medical Center.

Flags honoring the deceased are scheduled to be placed at the Eastvale fire station on Friday among flags honoring 2015 fallen law enforcement and firefighters. That event is open to the public.

Brown made a very brief appearance in San Bernardino a day and a half following the attack to meet with local, state and federal officials then make a quick statement to the press. The governor made the trip just before heading off to promote the green agenda at Climate Change talks in Paris, France — the city where terrorists carried out mass murders last November. Terrorists also attacked people in the offices of satirical French magazine Charlie Hebdo last January.

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